Saturday, 11 July 2015

one as lovely as the other

One - as lovely as
the other – on the same floor
they dance merrily;
both colours a joyous sight,
complementing each other.

And I often wonder -
what’s in a colour? any
is as beautiful -
and the difference no matter;
each has its own identity.

Why do we compare?
Why do we measure their worth?
How do we know?
So what that we’re all different?
We share the same one planet.

We’re all connected
in marvelously strange ways.
We all love laughter.
We all weep when we have to.
And how we yearn for a hug!

Pink or red, both share
green, brown, under the same blue.
Both feel the same rain.
So, what’s the fuss anyway?
Each of us – a life to live.

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